06 March 2009

Stage 3 Miscela Logo Design

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to make Version 1 of my logo design work...but I do like this solution better than Version #2. I agree with Ange that perhaps the wordmark is the primary logo, while the snail becomes the supporting element to the restaurant. Does anyone think that I need to include "restaurant coop" in the wordmark, perhaps below it, so that people know what it is? Otherwise, right now it is really ambiguous. I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on this. Also, for a tagline here are a few options so far:
"Miscela, The right blend. Food. Music. Art."
"Slow Your Roll."
"Stay a While"
"Our Place is Your Place."
"Together We Can Make It Better."
"The Right Mix"
"Get To Know Us."

1 comment:

  1. The ones that sound good after saying Miscela are: Stay a While and The Right Mix. The others for me don't seem to work with your restaurant name and also some of them don't fit the style of your restaurant, because they seem too similar to other company slogans. The two I liked are unique and different.
